Resolution Endorsing Repeal of Top Two Candidates Open Primary Act

Resolution Endorsing Repeal of Top Two Candidates Open Primary Act

WHEREAS, as adopted by Proposition 14 (2010), all candidates for a single office run against each other for the first round of voting and

WHEREAS, the two candidates with the highest number of votes in the first round move forward to the final election, regardless of party affiliation and

WHEREAS, in the final election between the original top two candidates, the candidate with the most votes wins, and

WHEREAS, supporters of the Top Two election methods allege election efficiency and a broad representation of candidates, but implementation of such systems has been shown to effectually limit and restrain choices for voters

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Santa Cruz County Republican Central Committee stands opposed to all Top Two election systems, as such a system will result in limiting the choices for voters in general elections, and so be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, the Santa Cruz County Republican Central Committee stands in agreement in opposing the implementation of Top Two election systems, and so be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, the Santa Cruz County Republican Central Committee supports legal, legislative, and political action to repeal and abrogate the California Top Two Candidates Open Primary Act. ADOPTED this 24th day of August 2017, by the Santa Cruz County Republican Central Committee.